Our Token

The Work Token aims for the value of 1 hour of work. That of course depends on the product or service and it's quality. We aim to unify the price for the work in various regions. We also aim to not work without being paid! Many are underpaid and they should know the value of their work!

The work token currently has 2 version, the WorkTH on mintme.com and the WorkTHR version on the BNB smart chain. You can trade the WorkTH on mintme and the WorkTHR on pancakeswap.finance. On mintme you can only trade the WorkTH for USD and mintme coins. On the pancakswap exchange you can only trade the WorkTHR for BTT.


Make sure your wallet is well secured and that you back up your recovery phrase and private key very well!

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Expert Support

We will gladly help you with what we can, check the tutorials on our youtube channels.

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About Us

We are a small budget project, but we work for a 100 people!

We Are CfCbazar && DealTrackerMech support is provided by ArakelTheDragon

You may have many questions, but we have made the simplest starting tutorial
and for more information you can always visit our YouTube channels
or send us a message on DealTrackerMech@gmail.com && CfCbazar@gmail.com or on a WhatsApp chat +420 723 447 398(chat only).

We are the ones who work hard to provide you with a great service!

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Why Choose Us

The work is our product

We work for money, not for free!

Crypto currencies are becoming more popular

If you like our work, you can donate to the project on PayPal or trade the WorkTHR and WorkTH tokens.

Happy Customers

Right now the work we can showcase is the decades of repairing IT and TV devices shown on our channel and the shopping assistant show on our other channel.

Our Team

CfCbazar && DealTrackerMech

Project owner


Marketing Head

CfCbazar && DealTrackerMech

Main developer


Secondary developer

Our work cases


Ask a question by sending us an email or by WhatsApp chat only
